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四川星叁行科技有限公司(SCXSX TECH Co.,Ltd)
四川星叁行科技有限公司是经国家外经贸局和海关总署批准,具有食品和化妆品进出口权的进出口企业 。
公司旗下成立了日本京信会社和马达加斯加CM进出口股份有限公司两家全资海外子公司。我们在成都双流航空港自建有出口食品包装厂(海关备案),在马达加斯加首都塔那那利佛建有香精香料包装厂,向全球提供优质的生鲜食品、天然香料 。
Sichuan Xingsanxing Technology Co., Ltd is approved by the State Administration of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the General Administration of Customs, and has the import and export rights of food and cosmetics.
The company has established two wholly-owned overseas subsidiaries, Japan Jingxin Association and Madagascar CM Import and Export Co., LTD. We have built an export food packaging factory (customs record) in Chengdu Shuangliu Airport Free Trade Zone, and a flavor and spice packaging factory in Tananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, to provide high-quality fresh food and natural spices to the world.
Our essential oils come from: Madagascar, Egypt, Australia, South Africa, Italy and other places.
  Madagascar: tropical rainforest, magnificent tropical plateau, tropical savanna, all create excellent conditions for the cultivation of aromatic plants. 
  Egypt: tropical desert climate, hot and dry, wide desert, "desert kingdom", rich natural resources. 
  Australia: The ancient continent, independent of the Pacific Ocean, the climate is extremely changeable, with many local unique animals and plants, is one of the world's 17 countries with super biodiversity. 
  South Africa: Located at the southernmost tip of the African continent, it enjoys the rain of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, with an average annual temperature of 10~24℃. Natural resources are special.
  Italy: subtropical Mediterranean climate, Summer dry and less rain, Winter wet and  rain, especially suitable for the growth of citrus plants.
All products of the company do not add any chemical preparations, each batch of essential oil products through the local professional testing center test, to ensure that they meet the IFEA international standards.
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